# About Us

The foundation of BI Tracks is our ability to build Business Intelligence solutions, and to quickly create a Data Warehouse to support these Business Analytics.

BI Tracks began primarily as a group of data consultants that addressed complex Business Intelligence issues using the Microsoft "BI Stack". As the Microsoft centric approach seemed to fall behind other offerings, and with the cost of the 'Stack' ever increasing, BI Tracks looked for another toolset to build enterprise level data warehouses.

BI Tracks then decieded to build our own toolset for creating Data Warehouses.

eltSnap was then created to help us do our work faster, and without dependencies on SQL Server or its "BI Stack". We use eltSnap with each consulting project, and with each new implementation our toolset gets even better.

# Jim Miller - Founder

Jim has worked in many facets of the IT business for over 30 years, with a focus on data warehousing, data integration, reporting and analytics, business intelligence, data modeling (relational, multi-dimensional), ELT/ETL frameworks, database architecture, and database performance tuning.

In previous engagements, Jim has fulfilled roles as Data Architect, DBA, IT Director, and Senior Consultant. He also has experience in account management, marketing/technical support, and software application training.

Jim has had some extraordinary opportunities to lead IT organizations, with multi-national participants, on reconstruction projects based in Bosnia as part of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and in Iraq with the US Department of State.